From tomorrow, these new regulations will be implemented! Which one are you most concerned about?

  CCTV News:On January 1, 2019, a number of new laws and regulations will be officially implemented. The implementation of the "Electronic Commerce Law of the People’s Republic of China", the sale of goods by means of WeChat friends circle and live broadcast is clearly an "e-commerce operator"; When paying individual taxes in the future, six expenses such as children’s education, housing loan interest or housing rent, and supporting the elderly can also be deducted; The mobile phone number began to support remote account cancellation.

  Selling goods by means of WeChat friends circle and live broadcast is clearly an "e-commerce operator"

  On January 1, 2019, China’s first e-commerce law, the e-commerce law of the People’s Republic of China, was officially implemented. The new law clarifies that natural persons who engage in business activities of goods and services by means of WeChat circle of friends, webcasting, etc. are also e-commerce operators. Refusing to refund the deposit and maliciously tying these infringements will face a fine of up to 500,000 yuan. At the same time, malicious brushing of praise and unauthorized deletion of bad reviews are also explicitly prohibited.

  Implementation of the first soil pollution prevention and control law in China

  The Law on Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution in People’s Republic of China (PRC) will be officially implemented on January 1, 2019, which is the first time that China has formulated a special law to regulate the prevention and control of soil pollution. Based on the principles of giving priority to prevention, giving priority to protection, risk control, classified management, pollution responsibility and public participation, the Law on Soil Pollution Protection has defined the basic systems and rules on soil pollution prevention and control planning, soil pollution risk control standards, soil pollution survey and monitoring, soil pollution prevention, protection, risk control and restoration.

  Old and young, house and school? Here comes your tax bonus.

  The Interim Measures for Special Additional Deduction of Individual Income Tax shall come into force on January 1, 2019. In the future, taxpayers can calculate the taxable income of individual tax, and besides the basic deduction of 5,000 yuan and special deductions such as "three insurances and one gold", they can also enjoy six special additional deductions such as children’s education, continuing education, serious illness medical care, housing loan interest or housing rent, and supporting the elderly.

  For example, in terms of children’s education, the expenses related to children’s pre-school education and full-time academic education from primary school to doctoral students after reaching the age of 3 are deducted according to the monthly 1000 yuan standard for each child, and the high school education includes technical education; The interest expenses of the first home loan incurred by the taxpayer himself or his spouse can be deducted according to the monthly 1000 yuan standard; According to the different cities, the eligible housing rent is deducted according to the monthly standard of 1,500 yuan, 1,100 yuan and 800 yuan; In terms of supporting the elderly, taxpayers’ expenses for supporting their parents who have reached the age of 60 are deducted according to certain standards. Among them, the only child is deducted according to the standard of 2,000 yuan per person per month, and the non-only child and his siblings share the deduction amount of 2,000 yuan per month.

  How to declare? Taxpayers can choose to apply for deduction in the withholding unit. Taxpayers can directly submit paper or electronic forms to the financial or human resources department, or fill them out through mobile App or webpage and push them to the withholding unit.

  Social security will be uniformly collected by the tax authorities, and employees’ social security rights and interests will be more secure.

  The "Reform Plan for the Collection and Management System of National Taxation and Local Taxation" clarifies that from January 1, 2019, various social insurance premiums such as basic old-age insurance premiums, basic medical insurance premiums, unemployment insurance premiums, work injury insurance premiums, and maternity insurance premiums will be uniformly collected by the tax authorities. At present, some enterprises do not provide employees with social security, and more commonly, they do not provide employees with full social security. This situation is expected to change after the social security fee is uniformly collected by the tax authorities.

  Zero tariff on 63 kinds of pharmaceutical raw materials

  The Adjustment Plan for Provisional Import and Export Tax Rates in 2019 will be implemented on January 1, 2019. According to the plan, since January 1, 2019, zero tariffs will be imposed on important raw materials urgently needed to be imported for domestic production and treatment of cancer, rare diseases, diabetes, hepatitis B, acute leukemia and other drugs, involving 63 varieties under 31 tax items.

  New version of birth certificate launched

  Since January 1, 2019, the new version of the birth medical certificate has been launched. Compared with before, the medical certificate of birth (6th edition) changed the words "produced by the National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People’s Republic of China" on the back cover of the medical certificate of birth (5th edition) to "produced by the National Health and Wellness Commission of People’s Republic of China (PRC)".

  Haitao is cheaper. Cross-border e-commerce retail import policy adjustment

  From January 1, 2019, China will raise the upper limit of commodity quotas enjoying preferential tax policies and expand the scope of the list. Increase the annual transaction limit from 20,000 yuan per person per year to 26,000 yuan, and increase the camera with the increase of residents’ income in the future; Increase the limit of a single transaction to 5000 yuan.

  Mobile phone number supports remote account cancellation.

  According to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom are required to officially provide off-site mobile phone number cancellation services nationwide from January 1, 2019.

  Major adjustment of passport policy for overseas China citizens.

  In order to better meet the needs of overseas China citizens to apply for passports, the passport policy for overseas China citizens will be greatly adjusted. After the adjustment, overseas China citizens will no longer be required to settle abroad when they renew their passports, and the requirements for application materials will be further relaxed, which will make it more convenient for minors to apply for permits, and at the same time, the time for obtaining evidence will be greatly shortened, with the shortest time being about one week. The adjustment of relevant policies will be officially implemented on January 1, 2019.

  The road transport certificate and driver’s qualification certificate of ordinary freight vehicles with a total mass of 4.5 tons or less shall be cancelled.

  The Ministry of Transport issued a notice that since January 1, 2019, local transportation management departments will no longer issue road transport permits for ordinary freight vehicles with a total mass of 4.5 tons or less. Since January 1, 2019, for ordinary freight vehicles with a total mass of 4.5 tons or less engaged in ordinary cargo transportation activities, local transportation management departments shall not impose administrative penalties on such vehicles and drivers on the grounds of "operating without a license" and "driving road passenger and freight transport vehicles without obtaining corresponding qualification certificates".