What are the advantages and disadvantages of skipping rope VS running? Which sport do you choose?

Skipping rope VS running, what are their advantages and disadvantages? Which sport should you choose to lose weight?

Skipping rope and running are very common aerobic exercises, which can help us lose weight, improve cardiopulmonary function and enhance physical fitness.

However, they are also different in many ways.Next, let’s discuss the advantages and disadvantages of skipping rope and running, and how to make a decision when choosing a weight loss exercise.

First, let’s look at the advantages of skipping rope:

1. Skipping rope is a very convenient and flexible sport. You don’t need too much space. You only need a rope to start exercising anytime and anywhere.

2, skipping rope can exercise the whole body muscle groups, including arms, abdomen, legs and other parts, which helps to improve the coordination and sensitivity of the body.

3. Sticking to skipping rope can also promote blood circulation, improve the body’s oxygen intake, effectively improve cardiopulmonary function and enhance the ability of the heart and lungs.

4, skipping exercise is more flexible, there are a variety of ways to play, which is more interesting, and can also help you lose weight and help you burn calories quickly.

However, skipping rope also has its disadvantages:

1. It may be difficult for some people, because it requires certain skills and balance.

2. Jumping rope requires higher vital capacity, and many novices can’t hold on for 2 minutes without panting.

3. When skipping rope, the knee needs to bear the pressure value of twice its own weight.

Next, let’s take a look at the advantages of running:

1. Running is a very low threshold aerobic exercise suitable for men, women and children. It can effectively improve the cardiopulmonary function, enhance physical fitness and lose weight.

2. Running can promote metabolism, accelerate fat burning and burn calories. Jogging for 1 hour every day can help you improve obesity.

3, running can also increase bone density, promote calcium coefficient, but also enhance the strength and endurance of leg muscles, so that your lower limbs are more flexible and powerful.

However, the disadvantages of running are also obvious:

1. Outdoor running is easily affected by the venue and weather. When the weather is too cold, the desire to run will decrease, and rainy days will also affect the enthusiasm of running.

2. Running has a great impact on joints, and the knee needs to bear 2.5-3.5 times the weight, so it may be uncomfortable for some people.

Should you choose skipping rope or running?We should make a decision according to our physical condition, interests and goals.

If you want to burn calories quickly and improve your body’s agility and coordination, skipping rope may be a better choice. If you have poor physical endurance, no sports experience and want to lose weight, then running may be more suitable for you.

No matter which sport you choose, you should pay attention to gradually increasing the intensity and time of exercise to avoid injury. At the same time, we should also pay attention to reasonable diet and rest to get the best exercise effect.